10 Easy ways to save money

Saving money (and invest them) can be a lot of fun! Here are 10 easy ways to save yourself some money. Every amount helps to reach your goals. Even small amounts turn into big amounts and once you get into the “saving mode” things can go fast! By putting them on a high yields saving account or invest in dividend stocks your money grows even while you are asleep!

10 Easy ways to save money:

  1. Plan in advance.
  2. Do not buy on impulse (make a list of the items you need)
  3. Have a clear saving plan
  4. Bring lunch to work.
  5. Open a high yield saving account
  6. Compare unit cost
  7. Limit your car use.
  8. Sell items you no longer need.
  9. Prepare your own food. (skip takeaway)
  10. Turn off the lights (monitor your energy consumption.)