You got a plan?

What’s your plan for the future? Do you have one? or do you seek inspiration? Then maybe this site is something for you, where we share our stories and our visions on how to be financial independent in the future. When to start? As soon as possible.

Here are a few tips to get started:

1. Start educating yourself by reading, Preferably from the library. As instead of buying a book you make a great start by saving that money!

The Snowball effect by Warren Buffet is a great first choice!

2. Stop spending that you do not need. Change your behavior and relationship to money.
Is your bankaccount empty before the next paycheck then you are heading for disaster. When you work on changing this around and make it your habit to have a positive account when the next paycheck arrives you will very quickly notice things turning around!
Click here for 10 easy ways to save money..

3. Make a budget, boring yes, but it does not need to take much time. You often can download your total spending and income from your bank from a entire year. Sort it into categories and start adding every transaction made into those categories and you will soon have a great start to begin with. You know what you spend and what you spend it on and can adjust from there.

Do you have more tips, feel free to share them with us in the comment section below!