CEO Ilija Batlan buys 500.000 shares.(SBB B)

According to the Swedish register for insider transactions the Ceo of SamhÄllsbyggnadsbo (SBB B) has bought another 500.000 shares of the company for a total worth of 28.2 million Swedish crowns (SEK)

Ilija Batlan holds 8,1% of the company and has 31,7% votes. Ilija Batlan is the biggest stockowner of the company.

SBB’s focus is long-term ownership of rental residentials in Sweden and social infrastructure properties and building rights in the Nordics. SBB aims to be a long-term partner to the public sector in the Nordic regions.

SBB has been increasing its dividends on a steady basis and is aiming on rising dividends with 32% this year. SBB’s dividends pays out quarterly and is currently investigating to start paying out dividends on a monthly basis.

Go the SBB’s website.

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